So, it has been almost a month since I have made a post. Quite a bit has happened in said month, so I will give you the Reader's Digest version. I am very sorry about the immense posting break that happened.
1. Day trips to Tel Aviv, Galilee, and Haifa. (There are no huge stories behind this. We honestly just don't like going to the same beach all the time.)
2. My mother and sister came to Israel.
This was a very busy and fun week. It helped me remember that there are cool things here. A lot of the big things (Dome of the Rock, Western Wall, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, etc.) had become so commonplace to me that I forget about the awesomeness of where I am. Not only did I get to see my mother and sister again, but I also was able to see Jerusalem with fresh eyes.
3. I went home for graduation.
I flew home for graduation about one week ago. Now I am back in Israel. Jetlag was crazy, and then I got sick on top of all of it, but I wouldn't have changed any of it. I will just have to plant a tree to offset my currently huge carbon footprint with this study abroad.
These are the top three things that have happened within the past month. This past month was when school really set in, and we all got into our ruts of schoolwork and everything. My classes are all awesome and my experiences everyday here are all awesome (whether they be great acts of kindness, or great acts of de-humanization), they all leave me speechless most of the time, and fill me with awe that this could happen.
The pace of Hebrew has picked up dramatically. We think that this is because our professors realized we have less than one month left here (only 25 days) and we apparently need to finish our book (or at least get really close to finishing), and we are currently on page 340 of 469. So either this month is going to get crazy, or we are going to be doing the "highlights" of level Aleph. We are JUST starting to learn the past tense in verbs, which is awesome, since that is what I am more familiar with (having studied Biblical Hebrew).