Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reflections on Ulpan

Ulpan in now over. It is a mixed bucket of emotions. I really enjoyed my class and the people that were in it, and it is a bummer that we will probably not be in the same class once semester starts. For those of you who don't know what Ulpan is, it is a 4-week immersive Hebrew course. We had Hebrew class for 5 days a week, for 5 hours a day. 

Yes, it was a LOT of Hebrew to take in, but it was probably the best way to learn it. Our teachers avoided speaking English whenever possible, and we would have to figure out what they were saying. I signed up for the intensive Hebrew course for the semester, but I am also going to try and do more Hebrew, because I would like to get somewhat fluent in another language, and not just have some foundations in one. I will have to wait and see how everything pans out. 

We have a 5-day break now before semester begins. It is also Purim weekend, so we are going to Tel Aviv again for Saturday and then we will be coming back to Jerusalem for the Sunday night festivities. Some people are going on the Jesus Trail (where you walk the trail of Jesus). Some people are just herp-derping in the city for the 5-days, seeing the things they didn't have time to see during Ulpan. 

Hopefully there will be some more to blog about after this weekend. 


  1. I'm taking your going to do the herp-derping route. Enjoy and be safe.

  2. I'm sure you'll be fluent by the end of the semester. Then you'll have to teach everyone else!
